

We are not single, isolated actors, we are interdependent and to thrive, we must be accountable to the whole. To address climate change, we need a radically different ethic, one based on the values of caring, sharing, and mutual responsibility that are core values of almost all human societies and religions. We need to trust that the process of transformation can be a joyful one that will lead us into a better world.


We need to believe that we can do something, and that each one of us has an important role to play in making the change. What we need is more like a Mickey Rooney/Judy Garland “Hey kids, we can put on a show in our own backyard!” moment of optimism. We can’t mobilize people by telling them they are bad and wrong and the world would be better off without them. “How can you go shopping when your grandchildren will be roasting to death on a dying planet?” “Human beings are a blight on the planet, and everything we touch is doomed.” The urgency of the issue can consume us and turn us into joyless, hectoring ascetics who writhe in guilt over every moment of pleasure and scold their fellows for every small indulgence. I see hopelessness infecting some of the activists who are most dedicated and committed. Starhawk on Climate Change Transition Optimism Neo-pagan author and activist Starhawk hosts climate action workshop and ritual for the winter solstice, she will be continuing a long tradition of environmental activism with a spiritual imperative.
